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1、新着論文 2、論文概説 3、コラム 4、本のレビュー 5、雑記(PC・研究関連)
6、気になった一文集(日本語English) 7、日記(日本語English) おまけTwilog


気になった一文集(English ver. No.2)

If people are seen as major contributors to the problems of climate change and loss of biodiversity, then people’s behaviour and attitudes must be a major part of the solutions.

Nature編集部 (Vol. 488  pp. 429)


In conclusion, Robinson et al. highlight that the ongoing climate change may soon reach an amplitude sufficient to provoke an irreversible collapse of the GIS, because it seems that the 2 °C maximum warming target will be very hard, if not impossible, to realize.

Nature Climate Change 記事 (June 2012 pp. 397)


The tragedy of the commons, wrote Hardin, is a dilemma arising from the situation in which multiple individuals, acting independently and rationally in their own self-interest, will ultimately deplete a shared limited resource, even when it is clear that it is not in anyone’s long-term interest for this to happen.

National Geographic 「The High Costs of Free Water


The future trajectory of greenhouse gas concentrations depends on interactions between climate and the biogeosphere.

Vonk et al., 2012, Nature (Vol. 489 pp. 5-170)


The sea ice is in such poor health in spring that large parts of it can’t survive the summer melt season, even without boosts from extreme weather.

Nature記事。「Ice loss shifts Arctic cycles」Quirin Schiermeier著(Vol. 489  pp. 185-189)


Because mineral production continues to be necessary for economic development, the recycling and reuse of mining and mineral-processing wastes are important management strategies now and in the future.

Science 記事。


“We’re going to try to string together as many pearls as we think we can identify from orbit, and then explore them as we drive along,”

Nature 記事。Curiocity関連。


...he wants to stand in “the irrational middle” and show people the stark beauty of the highest reaches of our planet and the stark reality of how it’s changing.

Science 記事 (Vol. 337 pp. 795)


They lack the charisma of coral reefs, yet like reefs, these beds form a highly productive and diverse ecosystem, acting as the nursery for many kinds of fish as well as a home to sea turtles, manatees, birds, and a host of other sea creatures.

Science記事 (Vol. 336  pp. 1368)


Nevertheless, the paleoclimate record can provide invaluable information on how Earth’s climate responds to forcing, not just in the context of the next century, but also more generally.

If the goal of climate science is not just to predict the next 50 to 100 years of climate change, but also “to tackle the more general question of climate maintenance and sensitivity”, then arguably we must do so within a conceptual framework that augments the notion of climate sensitivity as a straightforward linear calibration of climate gain, with the possibility of nonlinear feedbacks and irreversible transitions in the climate system.

Science記事 (Vol. 337  pp. 918) 


Ironically, the improvement of air quality that results from the reduction in aerosol emissions may come at the price of increased atmospheric warming and more frequent tropical storms.

…arguably the most important required development is in higher- resolution simulations of the atmosphere and ocean, removing the need to rely on an empirical relationship between the number of storms and climate indicators.

Nature Climate Change記事「Counting the coming storms」(Aug 2012 pp. 575)


In the context of oceanic plankton, this acidification is considered well within the range of present pH variability (about 1 unit). However, the pH environment near the cell surface is also impacted by the plankton themselves, as their own metabolism is constantly driving acid and CO2 in and out of the cell. When the metabolic factor is combined with global ocean acidification, future pH ranges at the boundary layer of plankton cells may be threatening, warn Flynn and colleagues.

Nature Climate Change記事 (Jul 2012 pp. 490)


Owing to slow geological processes and interactions with the land and deep-ocean carbon reservoirs, it has been estimated that about one-third of the carbon dioxide emitted today will still be in the atmosphere 1,000 years from now.

Nature Climate Change記事「Future impact of today’s choices」(Jun 2012 pp. 397)
